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Professor of Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Department of Physics
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Laura Elisa Marcucci

Laura Elisa Marcucci was born in Lucca in 1971. She is married and has two children. She graduated with honours in Physics at the University of Pisa in 1995. She received her PhD degree from the Old Dominion University in Norfolk and the Jefferson Laboratory in Newport News, both in Virginia, in 2000.

At the end of the year 2000 she became post-doctoral fellow at the University of Pisa, then university Researcher in 2002, and Associate Professor in 2016. Finally, since 2020, she is Full Professor in theoretical nuclear physics at the Department of Physics of the same University. Since 2000, Professor Marcucci has also been an associate researcher at the Pisa branch of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN).

Institutional assignments

Professor Marcucci had several institutional roles both at the University of Pisa and the INFN. From 2009 to 2012 she was a member of the scientific committee of the physics area; from 2009 to 2014 she was a member of the organizing committee for the Specialization School in Medical Physics; from 2013 to 2015 and then again from 2020 she was a member of the departmental board and the joint teaching committee; from 2018 to 2020 she was a member of the university's committee for the open access to the scientific literature; for the years 2020 and 2021 she was local coordinator of the theoretical group of the INFN Pisa branch. Since 2018, she has been a member of the Physics PhD Council, and for the years 2020-2022 the Deputy Head of the Department of Physics.

Scientific and teaching activity

Professor Marcucci has mainly taught in the Physics degree programme, being the lecturer of the course Physics 1 since 2017 for the bachelor degree, and of the course Nuclear Reactions of Astrophysical Interest since 2004 for the master degree. She has also taught in other degree programmes, such as Chemistry and Computer Science, and for the Specialization School in Medical Physics. From 2013 to 2017 she taught also Nuclear Astrophysics at the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), for the PhD programme in Astroparticle Physics Finally, Professor Marcucci has been the supervisor of numerous Bachelor's, Master's and PhD’s theses.

Professor Marcucci carries out her research activities in the field of theoretical nuclear physics, with particular attention to modeling nuclear interaction and describing the structure and dynamics of light nuclei. Particularly relevant are her studies on nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest, such as those involved in the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis or those relevant for stellar evolution. Thanks to these studies Professor Marcucci has become in 2014 Fellow of the American Physical Society. She is also member of the Italian Physicsal Society. More recently, Professor Marcucci has started to investigate the nuclear reactions of interest for "clean" energy production through fusion reactors, becoming the scientific leader of a PON project on the topic. Her scientific activities have resulted in more than 140 articles in international peer-reviewed journals, with more than 3400 quotations and an H-index of 34. To be noticed that Professor Marcucci's research activities are of great relevance not only to the community of theoretical nuclear physicists, but also to several experimental groups, with which a fruitful collaboration has been established, such as with Hall A of the Jefferson Laboratory, and, more recently, with the LUNA and PTOLEMY Collaborations at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories and the ALICE Collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider.

Professor Marcucci has also organized many workshops and conferences in recent years, being a member of both Local Organizing Committees and International Advisory Committees. She has also been an invited speaker at more than 50 national and international workshops and conferences. Finally, she founded in 2018 and directed until May 2022 the nuclear physics section of the journal Frontiers in Physics, being indexed on the major databases such as ISI-WoS and Scopus.

Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science
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 Anna Monreale

Born in Erice (Trapani)  in 1979, married, two daughters, Professor Anna Monreale graduated with honors in Computer Science in 2007 and obtained her PhD in Computer Science in 2011 at the University of Pisa. From 2011 to 2014 she worked as a research fellow on two European projects, then becoming a fixed-term researcher at the Department of Computer Science. Since 2020 she is an associate professor in Data Mining and Data Science in the same department. Since 2008 she has been a research associate at the Institute of Information Science and Technologies “A. Faedo” of the Italian National Research Council - CNR. In 2022 she was appointed Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University.

Institutional assignments

Professor Monreale is currently vice-coordinator of the National PhD Programme in Artificial Intelligence for Society of the University of Pisa; since 2017 has been responsible for the "Internships and relations with external bodies and companies" Commission of the Master's Degree Programme in Data Science and Business Informatics; since 2017 is a member of the teaching staff of the Inter-University Research Doctorate in Data Science (Scuola Normale Superiore, University of Pisa, Scuola Sant‘Anna, Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca, CNR).

Among her relevant assignments we highlight: Director of the postgraduate programme Big Data Analytics & Social Mining, promoted by the University of Pisa and the CNR, and which involves the Tuscan schools of excellence (IMT Lucca, Sant‘Anna Pisa and Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) from 2019 to November 2022, and vice director from 2014 to 2018; Deputy Director of the Interdepartmental Center "Diritto e Tecnologie di Frontiera" (2020-2022); Member of the Scientific Commission of the of "Mathematical and computer sciences" Area (2018-2020).

Attività scientifica e didattica

Professor Monreale is responsible for the teaching of Data Mining in the Master's Degree Programme in Computer Science and Data Science Laboratory in the Master's Degree Programme in Data Science & Business Informatics. She also performed the teaching activity of Databases in the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Humanistic Informatics and of Databases and Business Intelligence in the Master's Degree Programme in Innovation Management, organized by the University of Trento and the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa.

Professor Monreale's studies address the analysis and extraction of knowledge from Big Data through Data Mining, Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence algorithms that respect certain ethical-legal principles, such as privacy and transparency. Her main research fields of interest are Data Analytics, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Privacy-by-Design in Big Data Analytics, Explainable Artificial Intelligence. She spent some research periods at the Stevens Institute of Technology (Hoboken, New Jersey, USA) and the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada.

Professor Monreale is a member of the Editorial Board of the "Journal Transactions on Data Privacy" and of the "Journal of Intelligent Information Systems: Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Database Technologies". She joined the research activities of various national and European projects and is principal investigator for the University of Pisa unit both in a national project financed by PNRR funds and a European project.

Her studies have resulted in more than 90 publications in refereed journals and conferences and several chapters in international books. The number of citations received is over 3200 with an H-index of 20 (as of 2022).

Mercoledì, 16 Novembre 2022 12:53

Roberta Moruzzo - Delegate for Quality

Associate Professor of Economics and Rural Appraisal, Department of Veterinary Sciences
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Roberta Moruzzo

Born in Sarzana (La Spezia) in 1967, Professor Roberta Moruzzo graduated in Animal Production Sciences at the University of Pisa, with honors on 18.12.1992 and in 1994 obtained the title of Master in Economics of the Agro-Food System, at the SMEA (School of Specialization and Master in Economics of the Agro-Food System) in Cremona.

In 1995 she became a permanent university researcher and in 2021 associate professor in the scientific area AGR / 01 (Rural Economics and Appraisal) at the Department of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Pisa.

Institutional assignments

  • Member of the Commission for the drafting of the new Statute of the University of Pisa, in compliance with the Law 30 December 2010, n. 240, appointed with Rector’s Decree 2319 of 16 February 2011;
  • Member of the Commission for the preparation of the General Regulations of the University of Pisa appointed with Rector’s Decree 0012219 of 4/10/2011
  • Member of the Council of the Department of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Pisa from 2013 to 2016
  • Member of the University Quality Presidium for sector 3 (medical sciences and veterinary sciences) from 16/12/2016 to 14/09/2019
  • Member of the University Quality Presidium for sector 3 (medical sciences and veterinary sciences) from 09.10.2019 to 09 October 2022
  • Area Coordinator for Internationalization (CAI) for Veterinary Sciences from 1 February 2022 to 31 January 2025.
  • Delegate of the Rector for Quality from 1 November 2022 to 31 October 2024

Scientific and teaching activity

Professor Moruzzo has been continuously carrying out teaching activities since 2000. She is currently lecturing Rural Appraisal and Accounting and Auditing Techniques, Certification Systems and Marketing in the Master's Degree Programme in Animal Production Sciences and Technologies. Furthermore, she carries out teaching activities in other degree programmes, as well as in several specialization schools of the Department of Veterinary Sciences, in national and international university masters.

The main fields of research of Professor Moruzzo refer to the following topics:

  • methodologies to support rural development and territorial planning
  • tools for managing the transition and disseminating innovation in rural areas
  • support policies for rural development at local and regional level

She holds over 60 publications in international and national scientific journals and participated in various symposiums. The number of citations received is over 400 with an H-index of 9 (as of 2022). She participates in various local research projects (funded by the Rural Development Plan - PSR and by the POR ESF - Regional Operational Program), national (National Recovery and Resilience Plan - PNRR) and European (Horizon 2020, ERASMUS + K2 Capacity building in the field of Higher Education). She also participates in University Research Projects.

She is member of the PhD Programme board in Veterinary Sciences, having its administrative office at University of Pisa and started in the academic year 2020/2021-cycle 38 ‚from 01-11-2022 to 01-11-2023

Other assignment

  • Expert in assessment of learning and skills of the Regional Governmental Authority Regione Toscana (ESF sector, training system) (N. RT20080632)
  • Evaluator to support the evaluation activities of the Erasmus+ program (referred to in the Notice prot. n. 46369 of 23.12.2019)
  • Evaluator for the CAMPUSONE project of the CRUI (Conference of Italian Universities Rectors) from 2004 to 2005
  • Referent for UNIPI of the International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIFF) network since 2019
  • Coordinator, from June 2015 to November 2018, of the Commission responsible for preparing the Self-Assessment Report for the accreditation of the Department of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Pisa at the EAEVE (European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education)
  • Local Coordinator of the International Master on Rural Development EU-ERASMUS MUNDUS and EU Atlantis
  • From May 2022 it represents the University of Pisa in the "WP2 Creating an Inclusive European University Ecosystem Task force 2.2: Developing a joint system for Recognition of student status, courses, credits and results" within the Circle U European alliance
Mercoledì, 16 Novembre 2022 12:53

Barbara Pacini - Delegate for Statistics Analysis

Professor of Statistics at the Department of Political Sciences
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BS1A9988 copy

Born in Pistoia on 11/21/1964, Professor Barbara Pacini graduated with honors in Economics and Business at the University of Florence in 1990 and obtained her PhD in Applied Statistics in 1994. In 1995 she became a university researcher at the University of Florence, in 1998 an associate professor at the University of Bologna. In 2008 she moved to the University of Pisa and since 2016 she has been a professor at the Department of Political Science.

Institutional assignments

Professor Pacini was vice president (from 2014 to 2016) and subsequently president (from 2016 to 2021) of the Master's Degree Programme in Public Administration Sciences.

Scientific and didactic activity

Professor Pacini lectured Methodological Statistics (basic and advanced) and Applied Statistics, including Quantitative Methods for Evaluation, Statistics for Marketing, Statistics for Tourism, Economic Statistics and Statistics for Financial Markets in several degree programmes. She also performed teaching activity for PhD students (Statistical Inference, Nonparametric Statistics and Causal Inference). She was a Committee member of the PhD Programme in Applied Statistics (having its administrative headquarter at the University of Florence).

The main areas of her research activity are: causal inference; statistical methods for policy evaluation (university research and training, labor policies, business policies, social policies and welfare systems); nonlinear time series analysis and financial market forecasts; nonparametric estimation methods.

Her scientific production includes articles in national and international journals, chapters in monographs, curatorships, conference and seminar proceedings. Some of her work has been published in leading journals such as Biometrics, Journal of the American Statistical Association and Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.

Professor of Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science
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Corrado Priami

Corrado Priami graduated and obtained his PhD in Computer Science at the University of Pisa. He was post-doc at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris (1996-1997), research fellow (1997-2000) and associate professor at the University of Verona (2000-2001), full professor at the University of Trento (2001-2017), visiting professor at the Stanford University (2016-2017) and since 2017 he has been professor of Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa.

Institutional assignements

Corrado Priami was member of the Senate of the University of Verona (2001), of the Science faculty board and director of the degree programme in computer science at the University of Trento (2001-2004), of the Board of directors of the University of Trento (2004-2008) and of the Trento School of Management (2002-2007), of the High Level Expert Group for the EU DG Research on Key Technologies (2004-2005), of the CRUI committee on FP7, of EU IST-FET Advisory Board (2008-2009), of the DTU MT-LAB Scientific Advisory Board (2008-2012), of the Fondazione Veronesi Scientific Advisory Board (2013), of the SPARK Program Advisory Board at the Stanford University (2016-2017), of the Bioethical committee of the University of Pisa (2018-2023). He was founder, president of the Board of directors and CEO of The Microsoft Research - University of Trento Centre for Computational and Systems Biology — COSBI (2005-2017), Chief Scientific Officer of COSBI (2017-2020) and Chief Technology Officer of Vydiant (2018-2022). He is the founder and director of SPARK Pisa (since 2017). He is member of the COSBI Scientific Advisory Board (since 2021), of the CINI national lab on Digital Health Advisory Board (since 2021), of the Vydiant Advisory Board (since 2023), of the Fondazione ISI Scientific Committee (since 2023), of the eXL Magazine Editorial Board (since 2023), of the ARTES 4.0 Executive Committee (since 2023).

Scientific and teaching activities

Corrado Priami authored more than 220 scientific papers about programming languages, bioinformatics and computational and systems biology. He gave more than 120 international talks and has been involved in more than 600 national and international dissemination events on media (press, TV and radio). He was awarded the medal conferred by the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano for his scientific results concerning COSBI. He coordinated competitive (EU, PRIN, FIRB, PAT) and industrial projects for over 30 million euro and interdisciplinary groups of more than 40 researchers. He is founder and member of the steering committee of the international conference CMSB. He is project reviewer for several international bodies as EU, ERC, Medical Research Council UK, The Royal Society UK, Austrian Science Fund, BBSRC UK, Genome Canada, EU-IMI, EU Marie Curie, Ireland Science Foundation, The French National Research Agency, MUR Italia, German Ministry of Education and Research. He supervised laurea, master and PhD students and post-doc (more than 100).

Ordinary Professor of Molecular Biology, Department of Biology
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Vittoria Raffa

Born in Reggio Calabria in 1977 and mother of Elena, Vittoria Raffa graduated with honors in Chemical Engineering in 2002 and obtained her PhD in Nanomedicine in 2006. In 2008 she became a university researcher in Molecular Biology at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. In 2005 she applied for an Associate Professor position in UK (University of Dundee), and in the following two years she was the coordinator of two laboratories in Italy and Scotland. She is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Biology and directs the “Nanomedicine and Molecular Biology” lab, coordinating a group of 15 young researchers. Since 2006 she has coordinated 12 national and international research projects, many of them recognized by the scientific community as projects of excellence (Marie Curie, FET-open and Human Frontier Science Program).  

Insititutional assignments

Professor Vittoria Raffa has performed several institutional roles: since 2021 she has been a member of the Board of Directors of Toscana Life Science, a member of the University Spin-off committee, as well as a member of the CISUP board. Since 2019 she has been an advisor of the University Animal Wellbeing Board (OPBA) and since 2020 a coordinator in the “Nanomedicine Working Group” at the University of Pisa, an initiative promoted within the framework of NET4UNIPI action. At a departmental level, since 2019 she has been a Research Academic Advisor, the contact person for the Master’s Degree Programme in Biotechnology and a member of the AQ committee. From 2018 to 2021 she was Safety Institutional Representative, from 2011 to 2022 she was referent for animal welfare of the “fish and amphibian facility”, as well as a permanent member of the committee of the Bachelor’s Degree Programmes from 2012 to 2022.

Scientific and teaching activities

Professor Raffa coordinates the “Nanomedicine and Molecular Biology (NAMOBIO)” lab, working in the field of molecular biology, synthetic biology and nanotechnology to study the regulation of gene expression and to modulate cellular functions, through the development of rationally engineered supramolecular complexes. She currently teaches Advanced Molecular Biology (Cod. 369EE) for the Master’s Degree Programme in Molecular Biotechnology, Nanomedicine (Cod. 442EE) (3CFU) for the Master’s Degree Programme in Biology Applied to Biomedical Sciences, as well as Molecular Biology and Microbiology (Cod. 004FE) for the Bachelor’r Degree Programme in Biotechnology.

Professor Vittoria Raffa has taught in the Scientific Area Bio/11 for 15 years, with h-index of 30, 5 international patents and about 80 publications on indexed journals. The number of received citations is about 3250 (source: scopus) 

She is a member of the  European Science FoundationCollege of Expert Reviewers. She has worked as a reviewer for numerous scientific journals and for the following international bodies: National Science Foundation, Wings for Life Foundation, EC (FP6/FP7/Horizon2020), IDEAL programme, UK Academy of Medical Sciences, EVAL-INCO, Health Research Board of Ireland, National Research Foundation of Africa, ERA.Net RUS, etc.

Mercoledì, 16 Novembre 2022 12:53

Caterina Rizzo - Delegate for continuing education

Professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine at the Department of Translational Research and of New Surgical and Medical Technologies
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Caterina Rizzo

Professor Caterina Rizzo was born in Bari and is married with two daughters. She graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1997 at the University of Bari. She specialized in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine in 2001. She was International Research Fellow at the Fogarty International Center of the National Institute of Health, Washington, USA e Fellow at the Fondazione ISI in Turin from 2004 to 2005.
From 2001 to 2013 she was researcher at the University of Bari. From 2006 al 2018 she was first lead researcher at the National Center for Epidemiology and Health Promotion until 2016 and from January 2017 at Infectious Diseases Department of the National Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità). She worked at the Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù from 2018 to 2022 and became full professor for the Scientific area MED/42 - Hygiene and Preventive Medicine at the Department of Translational Research and of New Surgical and Medical Technologies of the University of Pisa.

Institutional assignments

From  2013 to 2021 she was appointed by the Ministry of Health as National Focal Point for the surveillance programmes on vector-borne diseases, influenza and alternate NFP for food-borne diseases cohordinated by the European Center for Disease and prevention Control (ECDC) in Stockholm. She was appointed by the Ministry of Health for the pandemic influenza working group of the Global Health Security Action Group (GHSAG). Since 2021 she has been member of the National immunization technical advisory group (NITAG) and of the NUCE (Nucleo permanente di coordinamento della comunicazione del rischio sanitario nelle emergenze).

Scientific and teaching activities

Professor Rizzo has been teaching since the a.y. 2000/1 in several study programmes of Hygiene and Epidemiology for the degree programme in Medicine and Surgery, Political Sciences and Pharmacy of different Italian universities. She was speaker or scientific coordinator of many courses and meetings.

Her main research activities focus on the following topics: Epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases, mathematical models applied to infectious diseases, Vaccines effectiveness and epidemiology of vaccine preventable diseases, surveillance of healthcare-associated infections, Digital Health e Digital Epidemiology.

She is member of several scientific societies. She was principal investigator of  projects funded by the European Commission, the Ministry of Health, the Italian Medicines Agency, the European Center for Disease and prevention Control (ECDC) and other private bodies. She reviewed scientific articles for many  scientific journals and for the following national and international bodies: Miur, Istituto Superiore di Sanità and European Commission.

She has published 195 papers on international peer-reviewed journals and several chapters on volumes. Her research has more than 5000 citations, and her H-index is 42 (Scopus 2022 data).

Professor of Greek Literature at the Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics
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Mauro Tulli

Born in Tolentino (Macerata) on 12-12-1958, married, two daughters, Mauro Tulli graduated in Greek Literature at the Sapienza, University of Rome, in 1981. From 1983 to 1986 he was a PhD student in Greek and Latin Philology at the University of Florence, and in 1987 he obtained the title of PhD. From 1992 to 1995 he carried out research activities with the support of the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung at the Universities of Cologne and Würzburg.

Since 1998 Associate Professor of Greek Grammar at the University of Pisa, since 2006 he has been Professor in the scientific area L-FIL-LET/02 at the Faculty of Humanities and Philosophy and since 2012 at the Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics at the University of Pisa.

Insititutional assignments

Former President of the Degree Programme in Humanities, from 2012 to 2016 Mauro Tulli was Director of the Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics and member of the Academic Senate at the University of Pisa. From 2016 to 2019 he coordinated the PhD Programme in Sciences of Antiquity and Archeology, and from 2022 he was appointed for the second tenure. Since 2006 he was member of Council of the scientific-area L-FIL-LET/02, formerly being part of the Board and later, since 2010, appointed as Secretary and Treasurer; from 2013 to 2019 he led the Council in continuous link with the Confederation of Archeology and Sciences of 'Antiquities. He has been a member of the National University Council since 2019, with the role of President of the “Area 10 Committee” and Coordinator of the I Commission, "Institutional policies, autonomy and reforms".

Scientific and teaching activity

Founder of the International Plato Society in 1989, Mauro Tulli led its activities from 2010 to 2013 as President, since 2013 as a member of the Executive Committee, since 2016 as member of the Advisory Committee. Member since 2007 of the Interuniversity Center GrAL, “Incontro di Culture”, he was then appointed as President (from 2012 to 2021).  Member of the International Center for the Study of the Herculaneum Papyri since 2010, and member of its Executive Committee since 2013. Former President of the Pisa Delegation and member of the National Committee of the Italian Association of Classical Culture (AICC), since 2014 he has been a member of the Institutional Committee of Guarantors for Classical Culture at the Italian Ministry of Education and University.

Director of the journal "Cronache Ercolanesi", and of the imprints "Biblioteca di Studi Antichi, “Diotima" at the Nomos Verlag, "La Scuola di Epicuro"; he is founder and director of the journal "Philologia Philosophica".

The result of its scientific activity is in more than 100 publications: in addition to the monographs, also numerous contributions published in Class A periodicals and in volumes of international importance. The research field involves the ancient tradition and the medieval tradition of texts, the epic, Hesiod, Parmenides, the relationship between literature and philosophy, the form of production of Plato, of Epicurus, the rhetoric of the classical age and the peripatetic biography.

Mauro Tulli teaches Greek Language and Literature in the Literature Degree Programme, has performed several contributions in preparatory schools for high school teachers and has carried out teaching activities in Papyrology, Classical Philology, Greek Literature, Greek Metrics and Rhythmics, History of Classical Rhetoric for the Degree Programme Philology and History of Antiquity at the University of Pisa.

Professor of Constitutional Law at the Department of Translational Research and of New Surgical and Medical Technologies
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Giuseppe Campanelli


Professor Giuseppe Campanelli, born in Galatina (Lecce) in 1975, married, two children. He graduated with honors in Law from the University of Pisa in 1999. In 2004 he received his PhD in Comparative Public Law from the University of Siena. In the same year he was a research fellow in Italian and Comparative Judicial System at the Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Pisa. From January 2005 to August 2006 he was a research fellow in Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Pisa. From September 2006 to October 2023 he was associate professor of Constitutional Law, first at the University of Salento-Lecce and then in Pisa. On the 2nd of November 2023 he became full professor at the University of Pisa.

Institutional assignments and other professional experiences

Before being appointed vice Rector for Legal Affairs, he was a member of the Ethics Commission in the 2020-2022 biennium. He is director (together with professors Romboli and Famiglietti) of the Higher Education Program in Constitutional Justice and Judicial Protection of Rights, held annually since 2012 at the Department of Law, University of Pisa. He is a member of the Academic Council of the Doctoral Program in Legal Sciences (curriculum in fundamental rights, constitutional justice, legal comparison). He has often been an expert trainer for the Superior School of the Judiciary, for which he is permanently listed on the Register of Lecturers. He has been a lawyer since 2002, in the Supreme Court since 2013, registered on the Special Register as provided for full-time university lecturers.

Scientific and Teaching activity

He has taught Constitutional Law I and II, Constitutional Justice, Public Law in the Transnational Dimension and now teaches Italian and Comparative Judicial System in the Law Department's undergraduate courses. In addition, he holds all the chairs of Public Law in undergraduate courses in the medical area and two elective courses in the field of Protection of the Right to Self-Determination in Health and Ethical Communication in Medicine in the Degree Programme in Medicine and Surgery.
He has carried out research periods in Spain (Carlos III University of Madrid), teaching assignments, visits and reports in doctoral and master's programs particularly in Spain and Latin America. From 2000 to the present, he has been a member of Research Projects of National Interest and CNR Young Investigator Projects as well as European and international projects and, in addition, PRA projects. He coordinated a research unit within a national PRIN (2013-2016), on the topic of fiscal federalism and is currently one of the scientific managers of a PON-Governance and Institutional Capacity 2014-2020 project of the Ministry of Justice, on the topic of "Swift Justice."
He is a member of the Italian Association of Constitutionalists. He is a member of the Interdepartmental Center for Bioethics at the University of Pisa and of the Scientific Committee of the imprinting "Public Functions and Responsibilities," Pisa University Press. He is a member, among others, of the Scientific Committee of the journal "Supreme Courts and Health," the Editorial Board of the journal "Regional Rights. Journal of Local Self-Government Law," of the Editorial Board of the journal "European Public Law Online Review," and of the Scientific Committee of "The Pisa Group Review," and has collaborated with the journal "Il Foro Italiano."

He is the author of three monographs and more than one hundred scientific publications, including contributions in volumes (chapters or essays), editorships and articles, which correspond to his main research interests, with particular reference to the judiciary, constitutional justice, the relationship between the courts (Supreme and Constitutional Court, EDU Court and Constitutional Court), state secrecy, end of life, informed consent, medically assisted procreation, judicial protection of fundamental rights, fiscal federalism and local government.

Professor of Economics and Business Management, Department of Economics and Management
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Elisa Giuliani 

Professor Elisa Giuliani was born in Pisa in1974; she is married and has three children. She graduated with honors in Business Economics at the University of Pisa where in 2003 was awarded with the PhD in Business Economics and Financial Markets. In 2005 she was awarded with a further PhD in Science & Technology Policy at the SPRU center of the University of Sussex (UK). She has been a Marie Curie Fellow in 2001 in Sussex and Jean Monnet Fellow in 2004 at the European University Institute of Fiesole.

In 2006 she began her career in Pisa as a university researcher; in 2011 she became an associate professor and in 2016 she became a full professor in the scientific area of Economics and Business Management (SECS/P08) in the current Department of Economics and Management.

She has been a visiting professor at several international research institutions including the MIT Sloan School of Management in 2017-2018 and the Università Bocconi in 2019-2020.

In 2017, at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pisa, she set up the REMARC - Responsible Management Research Center – where she is currently Director. Since 2021 she is a member of the coordination committee of the National PhD in Sustainable Development and Climate Change, coordinating the socio-economic curriculum. In 2022 she was included in the list of 100 Experts of the Pavia Observatory.

Institutional Assignments

Professor Giuliani was member of the University Sustainability Commission (CoSA) from 2019 to 2022, holding the mandate on Waste & Water. At the Department of Economics and Management she has held several institutional positions in the area of internationalization and research. Since 2020 she has been a member of the Scientific Committee of the Migliarino, San Rossore, Massaciuccoli Regional Park Authority and since 2021 she has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Quinn Consortium.

Scientific and teaching activity

Professor Giuliani has been teaching Economics and Business Management since 2004. In recent years she has taught International Management at the Bachelor’s Degree Programme held in English Management and Business in Economics, along with Business & Society at the Master’s Degree Programme in Economics jointly held by the University of Pisa and the Scuola Superiore Sant ‘Anna. Prof. Giuliani has held doctoral and master's courses at several European and Latin American universities.

Elisa Giuliani's main research fields refer to the following topics: innovation and economic development, in relation to which she has recently launched research on the measurement of the toxic content in industrial patents and on the innovative strategies of companies with harmful directionality for the environment and company. In the past few years she has also been studying the impact of multinational companies on human rights and corporate social responsibility. At the moment she coordinates a Horizon Europe (2022-25) project on democracy and capitalism.

Elisa Giuliani is editor of the Research Policy magazine journal and member of the editorial board of: Business and Human Rights Journal; Economic Geography; Journal of Economic Geography. She has been responsible for national and international research projects. Her research has more than 3600 citations and her H-index is 24 (Scopus 2022 data).

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